Member since Nov 16, 2009


  • Posted by:
    zookeeper on 02/07/2012 at 5:35 AM
    Let's throw our good senator Paula into this discussion. If you recall, she accused people of being against the city when questions were raised a couple of years back about the accounting and the use of the money. How does she fit into the flow of cash? Further, should we go to the University of Arizona and explore their part in this fracas? Offices in New York (isn't Tucson acceptable), parking spaces downtown (I've never had a problem finding a parking space), where is the plan for the bridge, . . . oh so many unanswered questions. And we talk about corruption in Mexico? I think if all of the guilty were lined up, it wold be a large chunk of the legislature, university, county, and city folk.
  • Posted by:
    zookeeper on 08/04/2011 at 4:29 AM
    Re: “Danehy
    Sadly Tom is largely correct. Follow the money. We also know from a Yale University study that conservatives will ignore facts about the economy and to mention anything counter to their ideology strengthens their beliefs because they are being opposed by the "liberal left" even though some members of this "liberal left" are well informed conservative economists. Democracy is dependent upon a politically literate electorate. Sadly this is a thing of the past. As the Buddha noted, ignorance is the cause of all suffering. When those in power are ignorant, even more suffer.
  • Posted by:
    zookeeper on 04/21/2011 at 4:02 AM
    And yet the people of Arizona continue to vote for these clowns. Doesn't anyone understand how the economy works? The gross domestic product (GDP) is based on the amount of money that changes hands annually. When money is taken out of circulation, when governments reduce spending, the GDP is reduced. This means that demand goes down and businesses are increasingly reluctant to invest because the market isn't there. For the rich, investments are made overseas in nations where their economies are growing. The Republicans of the State of Arizona are against the people, the economy, and common sense.
  • Posted by:
    zookeeper on 04/07/2011 at 10:44 AM
    Re: “Danehy
    Oh dear me, picking on Russell Pearce again. But he'll never know, he only talks and never listens. I'm not even sure if he knows what state he lives in. He does keep his hand out for all those gifts that come his way. As more people know his disconnect with the rest of everyday folks, they should think of alternatives. If they cannot stomach voting for a Democrat, they should find a descent independent candidate or decide to run themselves. How much longer must we be the laughing stock of the country with such buffoons representing interests other than the interests of everyday people of Arizona?
  • Posted by:
    zookeeper on 03/24/2011 at 8:05 AM
    Re: “The Skinny
    If the Republicans are to survive, they must cut education. As is said, a democracy is dependent upon a politically literate electorate. A politically literate electorate would throw these clowns out lo mas pronto posible. Just imagine, the people no longer own their public buildings and our state is creating it's own "national" policies. Shall we just remove ourselves from the union? Shall Arizona become a state in Mexico?
    Can't move to California, no jobs there. Hopeless and helpless in Arizona,
  • Posted by:
    zookeeper on 02/17/2011 at 6:28 AM
    Is it standing in the sun too much? Is it the water that people in Arizona drink? What can account for such craziness? Certainly these Republicans have lost touch with the lessons of history. And what of the Democrats? Then seem to participate in the same set of discussions and even in opposition offer little of value. The number of independents is increasing. I'd say let's turn it over to a new set of folks who are not beholding to or members of any party. Anarchy? Couldn't be any worse than what we have at the moment. I wonder if these people are on drugs. I cannot figure it out how so many can be so misguided.
  • Posted by:
    zookeeper on 11/04/2010 at 2:18 AM
    Well, it really isn't over because the campaigns didn't address the structural/institutional problems that face the state and nation. All I heard is people claiming for "fight for us" but that's the claim that has been made repeatedly for as long as I can remember. What hasn't been address is how to get more money in circulation so our economy can grow. For those who don't know or have forgotten, the gross domestic product (GDP) is determined by the amount of money exchanged in a calendar year. For example, if I give you a dollar, and you give it to the next person, that makes two dollars in terms of the GDP. If that dollar changes hands ever day for a year, that adds $365 to the GDP. When all the politicians stand up and say let's cut the budget and reduce the debt, they are threatening our economy because less money will circulate and less money will be available for exchanges among the people. This means less investment and fewer jobs. Because there is little money available, demand is down and for this reason businesses are not investing. Investment capital is fleeing the country to other countries e.g., Germany, China, Australia, where returns are higher and this doesn't help us at all. Having bailed out the banks, they aren't investing because there is no demand domestically so they hold on to their money. The only recourse is the government sharing the money on projects and payments to the people to stimulate spending and thus demand.

    Now let's think about how governments pay themselves back. When the government spends money, the person who receives the money pays say 30% in taxes. As that money is passed to the next person, that person pays 30% and so it goes. As the economy builds, when there are more investments, then the government, both state and federal, get well because of the increased velocity of money in the economy. Current politicians don't want to think of this because they are financially supported by corporations, financial institutions, etc., who want to hold onto the money for themselves to seek their best returns even if it is investment overseas where the economic returns are stronger. Is this patriotism? Who will invest in our economy? I can think the government is our only resource. This is why we have government, to represent the best interest of the people, me included. The banks and business are going elsewhere with the cash.

    Let's think a bit about history. At the end of World War II with all of the veterans coming back, the national indebtedness was roughly 93% of gross national product (figured a little differently from the current GDP). And what did the government do? It spent like crazy sending people back to college on the GI Bill, it financed the building of houses in the hundreds of thousands, etc., and what happened? More money was in circulation reaching millions of people who build the now threatened middle class. In the process, we built the most significant technical/scientifically based power in the world, radar was invented, the basic electronics that made possible the current internet was developed, new materials were created, etc., all because the government put money in circulation. I fear for my state and nation because of the people taking and remaining in power don't understand fundamental economics. In listening to the discussions, I found Ted Downing as the one who understood this dynamic but his arguments were too sophisticated for the channels of communication that modern campaigning allows. As Einstein noted, the kind of thinking that got us into our current mess will certainly not get us out. We need to rethink. Please interview Ted on his vision for the future.