Member since May 28, 2010


  • Posted by:
    tyedyed69 on 05/28/2010 at 1:46 PM
    Re: “Trashing Arizona
    It is very sad to see this happening. We need to end the illegal immigration now. If we stop the anchor babies and quit giving them rights /money they don't deserve it might start to make a difference. We should make our immigration rules the same as Mexico's for illegals. Jail and fines. These people have no respect for America to begin with because they can't even respect our immigration policies and come here legally. Doesn't surprise me they leave trash everywhere because it just shows their true character.
    Every Illegal caught should be required to pick up 10 times their weight in garbage before being sent back to Mexico. If nothing else, maybe it will make them think about leaving less trash when they illegally come into America again since we know many are repeat offenders.