Member since Nov 21, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Tommy Hernandez on 11/23/2015 at 12:51 PM
    Global warming? Let's stay on topic which is the supreme court hopefully reversing the Texas court on their terrible decision to try and halt DACA/DAPA. Well at least that is what I hope will happen. I doubt if the "global warming" argument will play a major part of the supreme court's discussions. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so.

    I want DACA/DAPA to pass and continue to help those people that have been here as children. The waiting list for people from Mexico to become citizens is backlogged to around 2006 due to quotas.

    But if you come from most European countries you can most likely get a legal residency document after being here a year as their lines to become citizens are so smaller. Then they are on their way for citizenship. IT IS HARDER FOR MEXCIAN AND LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES.

    PS. Not all latinos are drug smugglers or rapists or leeching off the "system". Just saying before someone brings up these sterotypes again. Let Trump make these ignorant statements. He's good at it. I like to call him the "Albino Baboon". It fits him quite nicely.
  • Posted by:
    Tommy Hernandez on 11/21/2015 at 12:37 AM
    Joe Allan: Do you even understand DACA? It is for the children that are currently in high school or graduated to contribute to American society. They can get work permits, get social security taken from their checks to put into the system and drive legally with insurance.

    So your "terrorist" comments show that either you don't like others from third world countries OR you are just scared because of all the violence of ISIS recently. I am too but that doesn't have anything to do with DACA,

    Get informed before you lump all immigrants into one category.