Member since Feb 10, 2012



  • Posted by:
    Theresa G on 10/26/2013 at 4:47 PM
    They paved paradise and put up a parking lot. I was so proud when Marana did the Heritage Farm to promote food security and develop in a way that was harmonious with the heritage of the land. Now they simply develop inappropriate uses for riverside land. Very disappointed!
  • Posted by:
    Theresa G on 02/10/2012 at 8:56 AM
    Re: “Sacrifice Zone
    Tucson is unique, in part for it's people and in part for its still visible history. If we disregard who we are, our past, our uniqueness, our character, and replace it with modern infill, we are no longer unique, but we are ______________ (put any one of several other cities here.) I wish we would learn some lessons from our own past and from other cities; we CAN have infill development to fill in some needs WHILE preserving our character. The streetcar was proposed to help alleviate current traffic issues and encourage alternative forms of transportation in a progressive, yet harmonic way, to enhance Tucson and our way of life. If we lurch forward to increase density to the extent possible by these proposals, we create new traffic issues, remove integral parts of historic character, and we are right back to where we were with congestion and without our uniqueness. Think about it, this direction of development makes non locals rich at the expense of locals. It is the exact opposite of the trend and desires of people across the country and within our area to make local good again, to honor ourselves.