Member since Apr 25, 2011


  • Posted by:
    TheLastSpottedOwl on 04/25/2011 at 3:03 PM
    Re: “Defense or Danger?
    It is a statistical fact that violent crime decreases dramatically when citizens are permitted to carry handguns. There are two kinds of people who carry guns; law abiding citizens who follow all the rules and criminals for whom there are no rules.

    Criminals are inherently lazy, they want easy targets, not ones equipped or inclined to fight back. When criminals see evidence that their targets are armed they don't take the chance of committing a crime. Very desperate criminals will attempt to rob a bank where one gun is present (held by a minimum wage rent-a-cop) but there are very few cases of criminals attempting to rob a gun shop where everyone in the store is armed.

    College professors have a leftist agenda, they don't think anything is worth fighting for; they'd rather talk you to death with intellectual theory (disguised as "reason"). They think if someone holds a gun to their heads that there should be legislative action. So, it comes back to the same point; two kinds of people -- law abiding and criminal -- which one is going to hold a gun to your head?