Member since Feb 20, 2011


  • Posted by:
    stopthenoise on 02/20/2011 at 10:53 AM
    Re: “More Planes!
    I apologize for my typo - our web page is The base has changed it's name so many times it is confusing.
  • Posted by:
    stopthenoise on 02/20/2011 at 10:51 AM
    Re: “More Planes!
    Remember that the Environmental Assessments say what the Military wants them to say. Double talk and fuzziness are in these reports. As an individual who could no longer live with the noise and moved out of my home in 2005 in Marietta GA near Dobbins ARB, I warn you that the first thing the government does is get the zoning changed. Then the lying reports come out - then the names and the phone numbers all change so you can no longer complain...this list continues on and on and then you find yourself unable to live in your home due to the horrendous noise and the fear of airplane crashes day and night. All called "the sound of freedom" when in actually it is the government/military stealing your home and your sanity and not relocating either the base or you as they should for your health and welfare. See our webpage at - the military has NEVER DONE an Environmental Assessment Report or an AICUZ for over 12 yrs. The AICUZ is supposed to be done anytime there is an increase of 2 decibels. Strange how the military doesn't have to do ANY of the required reports. The military is continually breaking their own rules as well as FEDERAL STATUTES. The question remaining is how to make the military accountable? I believe the only way is for citizens everywhere to unite and put forth a class action law suit.