Member since May 26, 2010


  • Posted by:
    sorryiasked on 05/26/2010 at 8:02 AM
    Re: “Sympathy vs. Truth
    I agree with Robert Hirsh. In fact, the situation is much worse for those accused of domestic violence on a civil level (where no arrests for DV have been made) and for an even smaller group of individuals - - LGBTQ persons accused of D.V. The 1995 VAWA act is meant to give women a larger voice, and more choices, but at the detriment of the alleged perpetrators. In fact, when the defendant and the plaintiff's gender are the same, nine times out of ten orders of protection will go to the first to file, with or without factual evidence. What does that say to actual victims of D.V.? It says don't wait, don't believe that moving out will help; they will just use the legal system to abuse and harass you more. Don't learn like I did.