Member since Oct 5, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Some Guy in Arizona on 10/05/2010 at 10:16 PM
    This is a "hold your noseand vote for the one who will do the least damage" election.
    A vote for Giffords is a vote for the Obama/Pelosi/Reid programs thatwe have already seen as failures.
    A vote for Lell is a vote to eliminate astaunch supporter of the above failed programs. However, Kelly's seemingly rambling, loose cannon ideas will get no where and he will be a one term winner, replaced by a more thoughtful and southern Arizona citizen next time around.
    The goal here is to save the country, and the only choice we have here in CD8 is to send Kelly to Washington as a stopgap representative.
    Yep, it is a hold your nose and vote election we have here.