Member since Nov 13, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Smart Guy on 11/13/2010 at 9:56 AM
    Re: “Education vs. Fear
    Excellent comments, Mike from Bisbee. There is indeed a double standard in this country when it comes to public school curricula. Most of it is done to perpetuate the culture of those in power. The Anglo majority has to get over the fact that the world is changing (and changing rapidly) and minorities will no longer be silenced by a law or a set of laws. Today's minority may very well be tomorrow's majority. Changes are inevitable. Those who don't adapt to this new reality will be left behind.
  • Posted by:
    Smart Guy on 11/13/2010 at 9:45 AM
    Re: “Education vs. Fear
    Wait until the economic situation in the US deteriorates even further and you will soon realize that the poor (and the minorities) are indeed exploited. Arizona state is trying to put a lid on the reality of the division of social classes, which is as real as the air we breathe. Lies will be exposed and truth will prevail. My respects to the 11 teachers who are fighting against tyranny and for what they believe in.