Member since Aug 24, 2010


  • Posted by:
    slipstream on 08/24/2010 at 11:42 AM
    Between them, David and Charles Koch are estimated to have $35 billion dollars of personal wealth. Koch Industries is a $100 billion per year, privately held (by the brothers)conglomerate second in size only to Cargyll in the world of privately held companies. The interests of the Koch's in local politics is simply a matter of their wanting yes-men in Congress to do their bidding, solely for the benefit of Koch Industries. They have no interest in local issues unless it somehow affects their bottom line.

    It is maddening to watch powerful outside interests distorting local elections through a deluge of money that knows no restraint and no social frame of reference. In the case of Arizona's 8th Congressional Distriict, Gabrielle Giffords has served her constituents energetically and extremely effectively. She has been instrumental in bringing much needed funding anfagent reinforcement to the border, led the way on improving veterans' affairs, has support military matters as they apply to Davis Monthan and Ft. Huachuca, has almost single-handedly begunt the work of building a second-to-none solar industry in Arizona, and has immersed herself in a myriad of issues critical to our southern Arizona citizenry.

    Ms Giffords is a staunch supporter of the fundamental structure of Social Security, firm in her knowledge that the "privatization" of that program as proposed by her adversaries, would be disastrous for our senior citizens both here and across this nation.

    Gabrielle Giffords has earned highmarks in her service to us, and she needs to be returned to Congress this Fall.