Member since Apr 14, 2011


  • Posted by:
    SinNombre on 11/27/2012 at 10:02 AM
    Regarding MAS, if it was such a successful program, why not let it prove itself by having it as an elective. If students were truly interested in taking this course, they would take it as an elective. Once it truly proved to be a successful course then implement it as part of the core curriculum. In my opinion, actions like this segregates us more. I am an immigrant myself who came to this country at age 9 and later became a naturalized citizen. I do not agree with the way the program was dismantled but also do not agree with students' actions and demands.

    Off the subject, in general, in my opinion, it appears that the undocumented are beginning to have more rights than citizens/residents in this country.
  • Posted by:
    SinNombre on 06/20/2012 at 3:51 PM
    Joan, you may be right. I keep hearing that McSally herself was telling voters at events she attended to vote for Barber. If Barber won, she would be able to run against him whereas if Kelly won she was not going to be able to run for the position.
  • Posted by:
    SinNombre on 04/14/2011 at 5:16 PM
    Apparently, Tucson is still on her list of retirement locations as she keeps sending messages threatening she will not retire in Tucson. That is ok.