Member since Mar 15, 2013


  • Posted by:
    sansal on 04/08/2013 at 10:48 AM
    Re: “Messina
    Amazing story about two young men with the ambition and courage to follow their idea. Back then rock and roll was really a teenage phenomenon and it was amazing what kids could do. Guys who should have been sitting in Algebra were touring the country. Whole top 40 radio stations were practically run by kids under 25. And a couple kids from Tucson had their own record label. I have to see this film.
  • Posted by:
    sansal on 03/15/2013 at 7:44 AM
    Ads are one of the most important features of any publication, but especially local ones. How else will you know where to look for new bookcases or when you can afford those jeans? Where do you want to go tomorrow night? Digital media are great, and I would like to see more (but not annoying) ads, but there's no substitute for what you can learn about a place by looking at the ads in a paper edition. Guess I won't be stopping at Circle K. BTW, picked up that other weekly last year while in phx and was definitely not impressed.