Member since Jan 4, 2016


  • Posted by:
    Rich Roth on 11/20/2020 at 4:01 PM
    Mask wearing is not anything to be kidding about. This is life and death for many & the well being of our entire coummunity. A mask is much less invasive than a respirator tube down the throat--that is if there are even enough health care workers & hospital beds to cope and treat this surge of the virus. People where seat belts to save lives. All new vehicles beep incessantlly if the seat belt device is not activated. We must think of the mask as a saftery precaution that saves lives, just like seat belts. Early state & national clear leadership on this issue could have saved some 100,000 lives.
    Gov.Ducey needs to "Man Up" and order a statewide mask mandate to save our lives & the economy--iin that order.
  • Posted by:
    Rich Roth on 01/04/2016 at 7:23 PM
    Re: “Danehy
    Disgusting and extremely lame! Tom Danehy's 'ageist' comment about Bernie Sanders --"wacky grandpa routine". Let's see who the wacky one is here: Sanders is the only one in Congress to publicly challenge Alan Greenspan's sham economic views before the 2008 economic crash. Bernie voted against the Iraq war and yet compassionately championed more funding for veterans who were in that war. Voted against arming Syrian rebels. Bernie sets all time records--More than 2.5 million contributions are powering his campaign. That's what a grassroots movement looks like.
    ✅$73 million since April 30
    ✅2,513,665 contributions
    ✅More than 1 million donors
    ✅Average contribution <$30

    Perhaps danehy should do some self-examination about his own 'wackiness' with his siding with media elites who either ignore or denigrate the the only sane candidate running for president. danehy does not deserve to even shine the shoes of the courageous Sen. Sanders.