Member since May 8, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Reverse Panopticism on 05/08/2009 at 1:16 AM
    There are minutemen members that are actually running "covert" operations by attending South Mountain Community College and other colleges in the Maricopa District just to spy on the population and collect data on staff and faculty that they deem "unamerican" and "left-wing." These are the things that Nazi's did before they began purging the population of academic threats and "undesirables."

    While they deny this is happening, they cannot explain why members of their organization are traveling 40 to 60 miles just to attend South Mountain and other colleges from other suburbs rather than attend those colleges in the predominantly white campuses nearby.

    This is a Civil Rights Issue waiting to explode in the near future--if not, it's a powder keg for ultraviolence spawned by these xenophobic fascists.