Member since Dec 31, 2009


  • Posted by:
    rennits on 12/31/2009 at 5:18 PM
    Ok, let's look at it this way....A "renters tax" of 2%.
    I myself am not all that adverse to that....but here's the deal.
    Instead of selecting a specific group (like renters for example), why not hit the whole hog? That is, renters, homeowners, as well as businesses, as well as the city government itself?
    To pick on a specific situation, for example, "renters" why not hit everyone?
    I'm positive that the "outcry" would be less, and also, if such a tax was spread evenly across the board (say to all) then there would be much less of a "halabaloo" about it.
    Also, given that, across the board, the tax for all would be much less, renters, homeowners as well as businesses and (gasps) the city government who just so happens to own some prime real estate.
    We are all in the same boat here....let's sink or swim together, or so help me, I'll do everything I can to vote these people out of office (the swine).