Member since Apr 5, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Rae Opengart on 04/05/2012 at 4:54 PM
    @trainmanswife - you are seriously confused about both the birth control issue in question and personal responsibility. Personal responsibility in modern times would be taking responsibility for sexual activity by procuring some method of birth control, if one did not want children. Are you suggesting that women create and use their own methods of birth control instead of using medical proven safe methods? I hear the Egyptians used crocodile dung . . .

    The Affordable Health Care Act, or whatever it's called, requires insurance companies to provide ALL preventative health care with NO CO-PAY. That is it. The $5 to $15 dollars that most insurance companies require patients to pay for an office visit is what is in question, but only when a woman visits the doctor to receive contraceptives. I haven't heard any intelligent discussion on the topic; I'm not sure about the small amount that patients have to pay for prescriptions, also called a co-pay sometimes.

    Do you really think the small amounts of money in question cover the full cost of the office visit, tests and prescription? If you have health insurance, you already are subsidizing others. That's how insurance works - premiums are determined for a risk pool. Some people will never spend anywhere close to what they've paid in, some will easily exceed the total they've paid in and most will fall in the range between the two.

    If you aren't interested in paying for women's contraception, then you need to drop your health insurance and just pay out of pocket when you need to see a doctor. That is the only way to avoid having to pay for others' health too. Good luck with that - I hope you have a few hundred thousands of dollars in savings to cover that by-pass operation, pregnancy, knee surgery, appendectomy, etc, etc.
  • Posted by:
    Rae Opengart on 04/05/2012 at 3:27 PM
    I knew Mike and Mimi as a teenager, when he was my best friend's slightly scary dad. (All dads were slightly scary then - no reflection on Mike!) I have never voluntarily taken off the silver and moonstone ring Mimi made for me at Meaghan's request - I got to watch it being made, without knowing who it was for!

    It's been over 30 years and there isn't a single memory of Mike or Mimi or the rest of the family, for that matter, that doesn't still stand out as some of the best of my life!

    My sole regret is that I left Tucson in 1986, before Mike's brief career in politics. I know I would have been one of his strongest supporters; many of my views on government and society could have come straight from Mike. My loss - I was too young to realize then how much one gains from befriending as an adult the people one sees as authority figures as a child.

    The world is a better place thanks to Mike and I feel lucky to have known him and Mimi and the kids. Rest in Peace, Mike!