Member since Jul 15, 2009


  • Posted by:
    peter on 05/19/2010 at 9:23 AM
    Re: “Better Off Poor
    Maybe 'getting your relationship right' with Santa Claus or the Tooth-Fairy might help too...
  • Posted by:
    peter on 05/10/2010 at 1:52 AM
    Anybody else out there find alex dumass a 'little' arrogant?
    I find him a wanna be academic who doesn't really have it.
    Maybe a dropout?
  • Posted by:
    peter on 02/21/2010 at 11:29 AM
    Tucson was never a town big enough to support three teams. This is a huge bummer, man. One of the best things about this town has always been the possibility of going to an Indians game or a Rockies game most days in March. Then in steps Colangelo and Reinsdorf with their big bucks and their 'we'll take you for a while' attitudes. Colangelo represents everything that is wrong in baseball, owning multiple proffessional franchises. I know it's a business but he's so obviously about the bottom line hopefully he can't sleep at night. Hate him. In fact GOOD RIDDANCE! and Reinsdorf, lucky for him he had a dummy like huckleberry to 'negotiate' with and got out of his contract for peas. He and his rude Chicago franchise were contracted with Tucson for some years, I'm not sure how long but the point is he wormed his way out of it like a snake because he was more clever than chuckleberry? Your brain injured step-son is more clever than chuckie! Good riddance 2U2! Always hated you. Always will. I will miss Ozzie, he was and is a riot and good for baseball.
    Oh well, maybe we can get the Indians back when the Rockies split and the baseball Gods will have had their fun and things can return to "normal."

    Peter Johnson
  • Posted by:
    peter on 07/15/2009 at 4:30 PM
    Re: “Live
    i went to this show (hadn't seen wilco bfore) ... they sucked so bad! i've been 2 lots of different shows and can easily say this was the second worst band i've EVER seen! really dissapointing. oh well..