Member since Jan 24, 2011


  • Posted by:
    perkele181 on 01/24/2011 at 5:40 PM
    Re: “True Critical Grit
    While I have often disagreed with Bob Grimm's Movie and DVD recommendations, I have never actually been pissed off by one. Until now. I rented Louis C.K.'s "Hilarious," thinking, "Wow, there's a comedian like George Carlin and Bill Hicks? And I don't know about him?!" Did not laugh once. Not even a chuckle. Smirked a couple times, that's it. To compare this barely B-list comedian with giants like Carlin and Hicks (whom I love) and even Cosby (whom I don't) is just flat-out wrong. And nothing is unfunnier than mining (exploiting) your children for cheap comedy (non)laughs. Pony bit my kid. Ha Ha. Poop. Ha Ha. Boring. Carlin and Hicks were inspired loonies who actually made you think about things while you were laughing your ass off. Louis C.K.'s main insights seem to be into how stupid he is. I actually got tired of the line, "Here's how stupid I am..." And while I have nothing against stupid comedy, you should at least bring the funny.
    A far funnier stand-up movie is Patton Oswalt's "My Weakness Is Strong." (And no, I'm not comparing him to the greats. But it IS funny).