Member since Jul 1, 2011


  • Posted by:
    Paul Cardwell on 01/12/2012 at 3:58 PM
    Re: “Ask a Mexican!
    The '68 Olympics had the greatest closing ever! The athletes took over the ceremony, running around with other nations' flags, dancing across national lines to the huge Mariachi band - what the Olympics was supposed to be about before being taken over by the multinational corporations for their own greed. ¡Viva!
  • Posted by:
    Paul Cardwell on 07/01/2011 at 10:19 PM
    You will find the answer in Meredith Wilson's "The Music Man". Harold Hill's con was to find out what was new in a town - new enough that most people had heard of it, but few really knew anything about it. For his fictional River City, IA, it was a pool table, for the country at this time, it was fantasy role-playing games. The lazy mass media, who never did any research into the truth, shortened it to D&D, or spelled out, generally with the correct ampersand replaced by the word - whether they were referring to the TSR product, or one of the many other role-playing games. Thus, with major scandal-mongering help from the media, the religious extremists who now rule this nation, made as much money as the game publishers did. This provided much of the seed money which permitted the recent takeover of the House of Repreesentatives and a majority of the state governments with racist, sexist, and anti-Constitutionalist (over 40 amendments so far proposed) politics. "They came for the gamers and I did nothing because I wasn't a gamer…"

    Paul Cardwell
    Bonham, TX
    903 583-9296