Member since Mar 7, 2010


  • Posted by:
    ParkerRules on 03/07/2010 at 11:50 AM
    Those Republicans who join in on the mockery of Birthers are shooting themselves in the foot. Over half of Republicans question Obama's eligibility to be POTUS and a large portion of Tea Party ppl...and tons of Hillary supporters that believe the election was stolen from her. The likes of conspiracy theorist like Oliver Stone and Michael Moore get Oscars even in the face of bona fide evidence presented by congressional hearings. Mockers should withhold their sneering until at least one Congressional hearing is held or one bit of discovery is presented in a court of law.
    You may think that Birthers = Truthers (But truthers are mocked because evidence to the contrary overwhelm and debunk the theories).
    Birthers are more like : "Hanging Chadders" There are still those that did not like the Florida Sec'y of State for signing off that Bush won that they had a recount and still believe Bush stole the election. Well birthers don't believe that the Illinois Sec'y of State should have signed off on Obama meeting the requirement of NATURAL BORN CITIZEN as referred to as the eligibility requirement for POTUS. The Illinois Sec'y of State never saw any documental proof ...just took his word for it.
    But Obama knew that in 2004 a bill was introduced in Congress to explicitly define "Natural Born Citizen requirement to be POTUS" and as Barbara Boxer said: "The term has been debated since the framing of the Constitution and no one knows what it means other than two American soil parents having an American soil born child." A committee was set up to define the term but the bill never passed. The DNC and Obama knew that his "dual citizenship" was a debateable unresolved issue in our court system...and he should have never been allowed to be put on that ballot without a Congressional judicial resolution.
    The framers of our Constitution wanted our President not to have any other conflicting allegiance or desiring any other type government but we now see why. Obama's influence of other countries laws of governing caused him to find as he stated in his book "that our Constitution was fundamentally flawed" he has set about to do as he promised : "To fundamentally change America".
    He is ineligible to be our President and needs to be removed....and yes there is precedence to remove someone after they are already in office once found they were never eligible in the first place.