Member since Nov 25, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Owen Thomas on 03/06/2019 at 6:09 PM
    Why wouldn't she vote for Kavanaugh? He was not only not proven to have done anything wrong, but several of his accusers were found to have outright lied, and even admitted to fabricating things for political reasons. Kavanaugh is a milquetoast...I hope Trump's next pick is Ben Shapiro. I'm not even a Republican, I just want honest judges and not activists on the bench. ;-)
  • Posted by:
    Owen Thomas on 12/28/2018 at 9:31 PM
    Although Trump likes to claim credit, it's actually Democrats who are shutting down the government. The fact is: walls work, they work now, they've worked for thousands of years. Nobody is claiming the wall would halt all illegal traffic across the border, but any significant reduction is worthwhile. It's bizarre that Democrats and "liberal" voters are against protecting the borders and stopping the free flow of hard drugs, armed gangs, sex traffickers, and illegal aliens. They suffer so badly from "Trump Derangement Syndrome" that they would rather see the country destroyed, their fellow Americans murdered or over-dosed.
    Trump will pass a budget that funds the wall, so if Democrats weren't so insane about this, they could get things put in the budget that they wouldn't have otherwise been able to pass. Instead, they'd rather hurt the entire population of the United States to prove a political point. They're disgusting. Trump said what to do to get a budget passed, so do it. In the meantime, those who support harming the nation for ideological reasons should be recognized as the rape-enabling (80% of women crossing illegally get raped), child-death encouraging villains that they are.
  • Posted by:
    Owen Thomas on 09/21/2017 at 4:19 PM
    It is not correct to say that Trump is a white supremacist because it is simply a thing that is not true and there is no evidence to support it. It is irrelevant whether some of the people who supported Trump are themselves racist assholes. I am sure there are some racist assholes who enjoy ice cream but I'm not going to stop eating ice cream in some brain damage delusion that it is racist somehow. So the backlash against the woman who said that Trump is a white supremacist is totally warranted and doesn't actually go far enough because she still has a job and you cannot be allowed to get away with committing slander or libel against people. Whether or not somebody is a white supremacist is not an opinion. Just like it is not an opinion whether stop signs are red or not. Either you are or you are not.

    The backlash against the Dixie Chicks was unwarranted. That was one singer expressing her legitimate opinion. Whether or not you agree with that opinion, she is still entitled to have that opinion. It would be wonderful if media and the far left and right wings could ever grasp the difference between a fact and an opinion. Unfortunately critical thinking is no longer taught.
  • Posted by:
    Owen Thomas on 08/03/2017 at 10:33 PM
    Re: “Fighting Abuse
    Emerge is one of the most hateful organizations out there. Not only do they deny the existence of the majority of male victims of domestic violence but when a male victim is referred to their services they treat him as though he is a perpetrator.

    There is nothing like seeking help from a place like Emerge as a victim and still in pain from your injuries, and being treated as though you are perpetrator. The representative from emerge outright lies because Centers for Disease Control studies prove that men are a large percentage of victims. Women are actually more likely to initiate domestic violence and more likely to use a weapon. Yet they make up only 3% of domestic violence convictions.

    The author clearly has a large store of hatred towards male victims that she would deny the existence of most of them. The fact that she is either too dishonest or too incompetent to report factually on this subject when the facts are so easily obtained shows that she should not have a job with Tucson Weekly. I guess if you have the correct politics Tucson Weekly is perfectly willing to ignore a lot of flaws in your character and ability.
  • Posted by:
    Owen Thomas on 04/10/2016 at 8:34 AM
    Re: “Demand Letter
    These are special snowflake social justice "warriors" who find EVERYTHING sexist, EVERYTHING flavor-of-the-day-phobic, EVERYTHING racist, when it is not. This is the most priviledged generation, and still not happy. If these special snowflakes can't handle such a safe learning environment as the UofA (which is EXTREMELY easy on these kids), then they are not capable of benefiting from university education and need to get fast food jobs. Kat Hermanson needs to stop taking up space at the UofA that a student capable of learning, with an open mind, could constructively use.
    FYI homophobia ACTUALLY means fear of that which is the same as yourself. Stop using it wrong special snowflakes.
  • Posted by:
    Owen Thomas on 03/18/2016 at 12:04 PM
    Re: “Divided
    Tucson city council ALWAYS rubber-stamps what developers wants, even if it's to give away traffic bearing streets, like they did to 5th avenue so "the district" apartments could be built. It's insane how stupid and greedy these people are.
    Fry's doesn't need a new location there on houghton! They already have a store on the next major street west, 22nd and Harrison!
  • Posted by:
    Owen Thomas on 12/11/2015 at 1:23 PM
    Re: “Deported Father
    Cesar IS a criminal who came here illegally and never took the effort to become legal IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT HE HAD 13 YEARS TO DO SO! All he ever had to do was go back across the border to Mexico, fill out the paperwork like he never left, and wait his turn like the millions who have come here legally before him.

    This man is the victim of his own choices, and his son pays the price of his laziness and selfishness. He's a terrible father because he never did what he needed to do to ensure that he wouldn't be separated from his family.

    I repeat, the only thing that this man is the victim of, is his own choices.