
The White Issue -- it's more than a contrived Beatles reference; it's a cheap cover. And beyond that, this week's issue looks at the vestiges of white power in an increasingly brown (and, in fact, multihued) community.

Chris Limberis points out in "Breakfast of Champions?" that local Republicans are struggling to overcome the image maintained by the good ol' Anglo right-wingers in the Saturday Morning Breakfast Club. Taking this problem to the state level in "Whitewash," Jim Nintzel shows why schools superintendent Jaime Molera is the new darling of the Republican leadership.

There's no shortage of Hispanics on the left, and one of the most powerful--despite his Germanic surname--is County Supervisor Dan Eckstrom. South Tucson's Mr. Fix-It is the subject of a Limberis profile this week.

Of course, it may be that your average Tucson voter has become colorblind, as Emil Franzi argues. Certainly Tucsonans can enjoy a rainbow of entertainment, as Kerri Allen describes in the music section. Unfortunately, the aftermath of September 11 is draining some of the color from our stages, much to the distress of local presenters, as I detail in the arts pages.

And columnist Tom Danehy, even though he's always given the impression that he was born a poor black child in the slums of Los Angeles, finally comes to terms with his Irish pallor and offers a list of the whitest things in our society. Lute Olsen's hair could be a column itself.