Member since May 12, 2010


  • Posted by:
    MMLMM on 05/12/2010 at 2:41 PM
    Re: “Get Out of Town!

    Really? REALLY?? Holy crap. God, the level of ignorance in this town is alarming. And that is saying a lot, since I'm a gun toting, Narscar loving, girlfriend of a Marine. Doesn't get much more pro-America than that. I will say, as a journalism school graduate, that you write to appeal to your audience and you my dears apparently are not their intended audience. Why would you read such a magazine that is obviously such a conflict of your interests? It boggles and baffles me when people post comments of such "grandeur" (or so you think, not I). How dare you be so Anti-American as to attack one of the last free-standing institutions of this country which is here to protect your rights as an individual by allowing the voice of the people to be heard? Maybe I'm just too educated to grasp such ignorant thinking which was in response to an article of which most of its points came off more satirical than anything? Who knows. I hope you have a great day you anti-American, antagonistic, ignorant, closed-minded, orthopedic wearing, crochet needle toting, walker pushing, denture and depends wearing individuals. (Mind you, I love elderly folks, just not the kind that are so ignorant that they have lost touch with humanity, sincerity, passion and integrity). Good Day!