Member since Jun 18, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Magistrate on 07/01/2011 at 3:09 PM
    Re: “Noise vs. Jobs
    Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.

    -Dwight D Eisenhower, 1953
  • Posted by:
    Magistrate on 10/06/2010 at 9:52 PM
    Have you even visited Dave Ewoldt's website? Have you listened to a word he has said?

    "Ewoldt's agenda is too neo-hippie for even us" -- apparently NOT!

    I'll save you the time with the Google machine:…………………

    PLEASE, please, please DO YOUR DARN HOMEWORK!

    Now that I've supplied the links for you it wouldn't take much longer to actually analyze the platform than it does to come up with your sophomoric. snarky comments to cover your obvious ignorance of what Dave Ewoldt's campaign is all about.
  • Posted by:
    Magistrate on 07/03/2010 at 4:39 PM
    It's amusing to watch the far right wing, those who couldn't stand Brewer a couple of months ago (she's a RINO to them), suddenly jump on her "bandwagon" because of her signature on a racist, unconstitutional "law" that will probably be dismissed by the courts.

  • Posted by:
    Magistrate on 07/03/2010 at 4:33 PM
    That's funny.

    The entire civilized, industrialized world decided to get the PROFIT out of Health Care. As a result they pay less than half of what we pay and have better outcomes.

    They made the decision that Health Care was a human right and then figured out various ways to pay for it; from Socialized in Britain, to Public/Private in France to Private in Germany, etc.

    But they ALL have one thing in common; Health Care is NOT A COMMODITY to be auctioned to the highest bidder for huge profits but a right whose cost should be progressively shared by the community.
  • Posted by:
    Magistrate on 06/23/2010 at 8:08 PM
    He should know... Keating Five John McCain!
  • Posted by:
    Magistrate on 11/12/2009 at 3:19 PM
    Re: “Get Out of Town!
    Obviously the person nominating "Grant road whiners" doesn't live near Grant Road nor have to suffer the noise, dust and additional heat island effect this latest, useless, unnecessary boondoggle will provide.

    Those of us who DO live near Grant Road and actually paid attention and attended these one-sided, set-piece, bullsh*t dog and pony shows designed to placate the docile while allowing them to do whatever the hell they want to, know how rigged that game was.

    And I have it on good authority that after they run out of money laying 60 extra feet of asphalt heat island they're going to say...ooops, we can't afford your rainwater harvesting, pedestrian and bike lanes and fancy landscaping...we ran out of money!

    And gas will be $12 per gallon (post Peak Oil, ya know) so the damn road won't even be filled with those SUV's streaming from the East part of town to I10 and back...

    For Shame!
  • Posted by:
    Magistrate on 06/18/2009 at 12:02 PM
    Let's examine this City Council Race a little shall we?

    The primaries are by Ward. Ok, that makes sense. Then we can get representation on the CC that reflects the makeup of (rather gerrymandered) Wards.

    But the General election is City wide (thus the confusion about the residence requirement for signatures). This makes sure that the primary picks are homogenized down to the lowest common denominator...and, voila!

    We get the kind of Council we've got...

    As for you, Mr. Rogers, way to play "politics as usual" with your egregious logic error. Equating a mistaken interpretation of an overly complex election procedure doesn't equal "can't get 9 signatures" and you know it.

    Way to play Dirty Pool, Jeff...