Member since Oct 16, 2012


  • Posted by:
    MadamJenny on 03/19/2014 at 7:47 AM
    Funny, accidents happen. Society is so innocent and easily offended now a days.
  • Posted by:
    MadamJenny on 01/23/2014 at 11:26 AM
    Re: “Without Papers
    The precautions Alejandra takes to not get caught are the same precautions American Citizens take when they know they have a warrant out for their arrest, have committed a crime and are not sure if they are a suspect, etc. Ultimately Alejandra was taking the same precautions as an illegal immigrant as American Citizen criminals take everyday. I know plenty of legal immigrants and they are proud of their citizenship papers that they earned legally and the right way. No one seems to care about the people who enter the U.S. legally, they are more concerned with being sympathetic to those who entered the U.S. illegally.
  • Posted by:
    MadamJenny on 12/18/2013 at 10:26 AM
    OH geez. Either the author of this post is just joking with the readers or he is truly one of the most gullible Liberals. If they are able to identify the criminals they need to arrest and prosecute them. They also need to replace the bust with Kennedy. Obama has disgraced all Nobel Peace Prize Winners, he just received the "Lie of the Year Award 2013", uses scare tactics against his own American Citizens and the horrifying list goes on. The only reason Obama is worth remembering, is to teach people a lesson of who Not to be.
  • Posted by:
    MadamJenny on 05/09/2013 at 6:51 AM
    Has Benny been adopted? I was going to share the link over at my social group, but I don't see any updates included with the article.
  • Posted by:
    MadamJenny on 04/23/2013 at 8:29 PM
    Biden is an idiot. The only way he could have managed to get where he is politically is with a lot of butt kissing, and he was the one doing the puckering.
  • Posted by:
    MadamJenny on 10/16/2012 at 5:29 PM
    How about the people there to ask the questions. Will her changes reduce how many questions get asked? And did she ask the people who are asking the questions if they mind her taking time from them and possibly causing them not to ask their question by the end of the debate?…