Member since Sep 25, 2010


  • Posted by:
    MacMom on 09/25/2010 at 4:17 PM
    I am appalled by the implications of this article. Is Tucson Weekly implying that the daVinci Players are involved in depraved relationships? As a parent in this community, I believe their word choice is poor and I am shocked that this publication would stand beside such an offensive headline. I have had several of my children involved at Studio Connections over the last five years and have witnessed nothing but kindness and professionalism. The integrity of Studio Connections is of the highest moral character and should be deemed so by Tucson Weekly. I also believe the comment about Arkansas is hurtful and in poor taste. Who approved this article to publication? Arizona has enough bad publicity with our immigration law, now we have to have our local journalists making derogatory comments about other states. Shame on you!