Member since Aug 19, 2011


  • Posted by:
    Lisa Masters Green on 02/26/2012 at 2:13 PM
    Since when have looks and ability to speak well in public stopped people from
    seeking those offices. If Obummer didn't have a teleprompter at every speech
    he has given, he would sound like a total idiot, instead of just an idiot. Jan Brewer
    is a woman of character, which no one in the far left would know anything about.
    So, keep up your low IQ bullying and mocking, but it is not going to stop her from
    doing what she needs to do, and that is to pull AZ up, inspite of the Federal Gov't
    doing everything they can to knock her down.
  • Posted by:
    Lisa Masters Green on 08/19/2011 at 6:34 AM
    To begin with, abortion is not "healthcare". Taking birth control pills to prevent these unwanted pregnancies, is. Being responsible about NOT getting pregnant in the first
    place is what we need to teach these irresponsible women. Having unsafe, unprotected
    sex is irresponsible and negligent. Go to these communities and put these women on
    birth control and then we won't have to spend OUR tax dollars on killing their unwanted babies, over and over again.