Member since Dec 19, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Lee Cruse on 12/19/2014 at 1:18 PM
    "Ken your solution for bad guys with guns is not to try to have fewer bad guys with guns but to have more good guys with guns?" - I think that both sides of this coin has merit and both sides are necessary to stop criminal violence.
    Police have not duty or responsibility to protect any individual without a special relationship with police. So, if a person does not have that special relationship, it is wrong and a civil rights violation to restrict the tools that the person chooses for self protection.
    If a person is determined to be too dangerous to own and bear arms, then we need to establish that special relationship. In my mind, special relationships exist for people that haves security details, in government facility, or other special relationships (witness protection). So, unless police are will to take responsibility (namely, if you get harmed police pays damages) you should not be denied access to arms.
    So, bottom line, lock up people that are that dangerous so that they have no access or opportunity to harm innocent people.
  • Posted by:
    Lee Cruse on 12/19/2014 at 1:10 PM
    " biggest problem is rogue cops stalking young black men. " - absolutely wrong. I agree that there are police that ignore the laws that they have an oath to enforce, however, it is not a skin color issue. We need to take each case and evaluate all of the evidence before making such an assumption that the "white" cop is wrong and the "black" suspect should not have been hurt. In the case of Ferguson, the idea of white police mistreating black suspects lost a ton of creditability when the facts from the GJ was released for all to view. Wilson did exactly what he was hired to do and did what was necessary to STOP the threat to himself and other innocents.
    Eric Gardner in NYC, I still find it hard to think that the police acted legally, especially when they did not give First Aid when Eric was on the ground. Without the evidence that the GJ had, it is hard to say justice was not served.