Member since Jun 9, 2010


  • Posted by:
    laurenskie on 06/09/2010 at 8:07 AM
    Re: “Ask a Mexican!
    I love when people think "blending" in is the solution. I am from a 5th generation, upper-middle class background where my parents are educated as well having a many fellow family members who are educated. I graduated from university a couple of years ago. Some of my closest friends are white. I am more American (U.S.) than Mexican. I speak perfect english, and very poor spanish. In fact, my family has been living in the U.S. longer than plenty of White American families I know. And we serve in the military! I DO NOT BLEND IN. I get along, but am still reminded I am not white. If it is not by my look, it is by my Spanish surname. I do not think white people understand what it is like to be the non-ruling minority. That is why it is so easy for them to accept this law. And I do not agree with what is going on in Arizona. I believe it is racial profiling. It actually makes me fear that I, a U.S. citizen, will be effected by this tough immigration law. Who says that we won't see a repeat of Mexican Repatriation that occurred during the the late 1920's and early 1930's. Did you know over 50% of those "immigrants" were actually U.S. citizens. And, no, they were NOT criminals. They were innocent American's who were sent back based on their easily recognizable mestizo look, not their citizenship status. Who says Americans like me are not next?

    a proud American mestiza

    P.S. The Mexican Repatriation is not normally discussed in text books. I had to learn about this from my Chicano parents and grandparents at home. Oh, don't let me forget those nifty ethnic studies classes your wonderful governor has decided to take out of schools.