Member since Dec 9, 2010


  • Posted by:
    kwalker on 12/09/2010 at 7:49 PM
    Re: “Danehy
    As the article states:
    "if a kid grows up with parents who appreciate education and who reinforce that value on a daily basis, that kid is going to learn, no matter what school he/she attends"

    I would guess you can't get more daily basis or appreciate education more than someone who does it every day; (i.e. the homeschooling parent) it really is simple to drop your kid off at a TUSD school and then complain about what happens or doesn't happen there. It takes determination, caring, planning and thought to decide to keep your kids home and teach them yourself. I am sure you aren't "dumb" enough to think that people who homeschool tackle all subjects alone? There are online classes, tutors, co-op classes and other homeschoolers who share expertice to ensure that these children get ALL they need.

    Fundamentally I agree with your statement about parents actually caring about and being involved in their childs education; but I really don't get your need to "diss" homeschool parents; these parents are the ones that really care.