Member since Jan 21, 2011


  • Posted by:
    kristen on 01/21/2011 at 3:22 PM
    Lion meat in the U.S. comes from lions who have spent their lives in backyard cages, zoos, pseudo-sanctuaries, roadside menageries, and circuses. When the novelty of keeping them wears off or when zoos need to make room for cute new babies, lions are sold at auction, where they may be purchased by slaughterhouses or canned hunting ranches. In other words, these lion tacos may very well include someone's former "pet" ~ a lion that has been raised and tamed to trust people. This taco stand owner is participating in this kind of cruelty to gain notoriety and free advertising, and I wish everyone would boycott his and any other business that offers lion tacos. It's a rotten, cheap publicity stunt.