Member since Oct 8, 2013


  • Posted by:
    Kevin Graves on 10/08/2013 at 1:34 PM
    The President asked for a budget bill, not yet another hackneyed attack on Obamacare. You cannot hijack the country over an existing law. Last time I checked, shutting down the government is not a legitimate way to overturn a law. Everyone wants to tout the Constitution but the simple fact is, we are not talking about a budget here. We are talking about trying to overturn a law in the court of public opinion and through one part of the bicameral legislature. It simply does not work in that manner. Boehner increased the budget ceiling 19 times under President Bush. Where is the outrage about the budget? About the people out of work, the parks closed and the tentative housing market that may now be jeopardized due to this smirking grandstanding by grown men and women who should know better? This is NOT about healthcare.