Member since Jun 24, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Karen123 on 06/24/2010 at 1:54 PM
    Re: “The Skinny
    First of all, the Kelly campaign could not necessarily take $50,000 for their own campaign as I'm sure those donations would come from many of the max donors that are by law not allowed to donate any more to his campaign (ie. His family and his campaign managers family who have all max donated for both the primary and general election already). The Kelly campaign has been caught in a running list of lies and deceit. The other two campaigns, not one. It's a shame Kelly is trying to run an anti-establishment campaign, but has been the first one to jump on any endorsement he can get. I ask, where is his loyalty? Certainly not to the citizens of CD 8. We don't need another power hungry politician in Washington.