Member since Aug 25, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Jay Love on 08/25/2010 at 7:57 AM
    I was sent this link to view and found it to be very well done and thoughtful. those who seem to have an issue with the video apparently don't see beyond the "scary guns"? what Ms. Proud is speaking to is our seceond amendment rights and in particular how women will be affected IF the ultra liberals are ever succesful in squashing those right in this and other states? as the poster "lizbeth" said, there are several anti-gun states one can move to IF one finds them so offensive and terrible, though stats will show the criminals will still always have them in spads, as we see in Chicago, one of the strictest anti-gunner places. as for me I choose never to live in a state where my second amendment rights are not upheld and valued. it is our second amendment gun rights which stand to gaurentee our first amendment rights, as well as all the other rights we hold dear in this country. I am quite sure also that "parent x" as "lizbeth" pointed out, is most likely already a flaming Democrat!!!
  • Posted by:
    Jay Love on 08/25/2010 at 7:27 AM
    I am living in Florida now for ten years and I only wish we had a Sheriff Joe Arpaio in our county here!! I am totally for Sheriff Joe, Gov. Brewer, and standing up for our country and defending our borders and laws!! what the sad people who break our laws don't like and their supporters also, is that we Americans are mad as hell and were not going to take it anymore!! we are taking back our country from the lawbreakers!!