Member since Dec 4, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Jay Jay McCampbell on 12/04/2012 at 6:38 AM
    Re: “Gargulinski
    I am a user of electronic cigarettes, and haven't had a real cig in months. I have lived my life on the one side, the side where I was persecuted for my habit of smoking. Now, being on the other side of the street, I simply refuse to be a sanctimonious ex-smoker. Yes, smoking stinks, and it is harmful. However, I believe cancer occurs in those with a genetic predisposition to cancer, not in just the general population. Here is why I think this. I come from a long line of chain smoking southerners, and not in a day of my young life was I not exposed to 8-12 hours of second hand smoke. Not one of my family in living memory had cancer. Not one. I know many other families just like mine was. And I remember a few families where more than one person ended up with cancer, regardless of smoking status. All the adults smoked, the kids grew up and smoked, etc.... No cancer in living memory. Most of my family lived to over eighty years old. Now, a couple of my family members did develop COPD, and emphysema, and it was the reason I put the darn things down in the first place. But I will NOT treat someone who smokes like a second class citizen. I will save that for sanctimonious assholes who like to dictate the actions of others. Nuff Said.