Member since Nov 30, 2011


  • Posted by:
    James Middlebrook on 01/05/2012 at 8:04 AM
    Re: “Locked Up
    Well, with the cost of health care becoming fast unaffordable for the nation, it's about time Americans took responsibility for their own health and choice of herbal remedies with "medical" benefits. I guess that is what worked for thousands of years, and still does worldwide. A freight train is an interesting metaphor: perhaps the train wreck might occur if too many nay-sayers attempt to enforce their blindness on the rest of us by parking on the track?
  • Posted by:
    James Middlebrook on 12/09/2011 at 12:20 AM
    Re: “Off Schedule
    J.M. - it isn't a matter of needing to get marijuana from a pharmacy [most people would agree that would be restrictive prima facie], but sir, if you consider for a moment what "scheduling" refers to, you will no longer (seriously) hold your current view. The scheduling format exists purely to ensure that those drugs which have medical usefulness are available to those persons who would otherwise not have access to them. So moving marijuana from Schedule I to II can only be a progressive move. It would be invalid to propose that one's uncertainty concerning this issue justifies any assertion for or against it. Regardless of this point, thank you kindly for bringing this issue to other's attention. We all need to be aware of how these Acts affect our day-to-day life.
  • Posted by:
    James Middlebrook on 11/30/2011 at 1:32 PM
    Thank you all for sharing. The sentiments here remain true, and will for a millenia still. Many of us have "been there, done that" and probably will again [for better or worse]. All the best!