Member since Mar 3, 2010


  • Posted by:
    J. Hill on 03/03/2010 at 10:58 PM
    Re: “Trash Troubles
    Indeed things have changed since 1991 when Herb Kai helped defeat the landfill they planned on putting in his backyard, but it's not the liners. According to Mr. Racy on Feb. 9 at the Skyrider Cafe, the liner that they plan on using in the landfill is the best available and has been so for over TWENTY YEARS. I know I'm getting older, but the last I checked, 2010 minus 20 is 1990, so since before 1991 this liner has been available for use.

    Mr. Racy is also incorrect about not accepting out of region/state waste. We have this little thing call the interstate commerce clause in the Constitution, check it out, Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 and in more detail in Article I, Section 9, Clauses 1, 5 and 6.

    Certainly there is misinformation out there that needs to be sifted through but as a lobbyist Mr. Racy should be familiar on how to twist fact just enough so it isn't a lie but not the truth either.