Member since Jan 2, 2010


  • Posted by:
    inpeaceandfreindship on 01/02/2010 at 9:14 PM
    Re: “Hidden Agenda?
    As for SSA. Rock on!!!!!!
    We love the school and all the Turks (and others) who run it!!!

    -ex TW reader
  • Posted by:
    inpeaceandfreindship on 01/02/2010 at 9:07 PM
    Re: “Hidden Agenda?
    Sorry about the caps, I just have a short, humble message I would very much like to share with whoever will read what I have to say.

    This article makes me very sad.
    Its goal is to be inflamitory, so I shouldn't be suprised that my airway passages are tightening, and my emotions are taking a sharp turn for the worst.

    I was born, raised and educated in Arizona and I have always held that we Arizonans are different, we're an open people willing to learn from others, we are somehow able to accept diversity, I just know it!!

    My pride and esteem for Arizona is not supported by this tabloid trash at all, and I don't mean to be inflamitory myself, the TW has a great archive of goodness. I'm just shocked beyond belief at how terrible this one article is!

    Now, even in my beautiful ARIZONA hate has prevailed and anyone from any Muslim country is under scrutiny. :( Also there are Turkish Christians and Jews...Scared of them too?

    It's clear Arizona needs these intelligent people to help support our schools. Everyone knows that our tax dollars sure as heck are not supporting them.

    Arizona is an incredibly diverse state and that diversity brings more to us than we know to be thankful for.

    On behalf of MY people in Arizona, the people who so appreciate diversity and everything that the wonderful people of Turkey (and other places) are doing here, I am sorry to each and every Turk and Muslim who will suffer because of this article! I am so very sorry. You do not deserve this! Americans also do not deserve this, not all of us are like this!!

    If you are convinced that Gulen has his plots to take over America with his Turkish robot educators (which again makes no sense seeing as he advocates for not entering the EU. Why would he aim to manipulate Americans in leu of Europeans? Geographically speaking, Europe is far easier than America to corrupt..)

    Anyway forgive that tangent. Please see for yourself and open up one of his 50 books on propegating peace and love. Read any one of his hundreds of articles, he discusses and emphasizes in great detail the need for interfaith work, tolerance, discussion, love and compassion. Which is a good thing.

    His movement is geared entirely towards peace, development and human rights.

    Really, there are libraries folks, it costs you nothing to educate yourself.

    Nevermind the politics of Armenia, Gulen had nothing to do with that and it is a stretch to try and tie him to it.

    Believe me, Americans would not appreciate similar treatment!

    Turkey is trying so hard to spearhead a new way of human interacting, based in positive Islamic principles and there are Americans, Europeans and Muslims who know that and who are greatful for it.

    To read more about Fetullah Gulen and all of his "terroristic" and "nationalistic" literature please refer to The Fountain Magazine webpage, and The official page of Fetullah Gulen, as well as the webpage for The Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue. YOU WILL BE AMAZED.

    Fetullah is an Islamic religious leader and scholar, he has spent most his life trying to positively change religious tensions, to improve religious interpretations and to make good ideas accessible to everyone. Two out of the three web pages listed above have an Islamic outlook, but from what I have read no beheadings, honor killing, J word, "terrorist talk" there... So they will differ greatly from the claims of this article and comments on Islam in the media at large.

    If you have made up your mind already about Muslims and Islam your interaction
    with such information will be difficult so you should anticipate that.

    If you are still on the fence about 1.5 billion people native to almost every country in the world including Turkey, then I invite you to check it out.

    Fewer than 1 and 4 people have a positive view of Islam.
    Yet, 1 out of 4 people are Muslim.

    Those are bad odds that don't lead to world peace and this article certainly is not helping.

    In the name of peace and intelligence!!
    ~ A very disappointed ex TW reader and fan

    Really, you're trying to take down Gulen? That is like trying to discredit Mother Teresa.
    By the way if Mother Teresa can be cool, and Ghandi can be cool, and Thich Nit Hah can be cool, and any of the other visionaries from any of the world religions can be cool, then GULEN can too be very very cool!