Member since Jun 23, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Horselover on 06/23/2010 at 6:06 PM
    Re: “Unhealthy Horses
    Perhaps some of Tucson's concerned citizens should be helping the UofA Horse Program by directing their donations to this self-funded program or assisting with fund-raising efforts for the program. This article does not address the hours of work that are put in by students and administrators in seeing that the horses are fed each day and their stalls cleaned. This program operates 24/7/365 on a minimalist budget. The horses are loved and cared for by people dedicated to the program and the welfare of the animals in their care. Before pointing fingers and making accusations, Glore should have spent some time with the UofA program to see what it is they are doing for these animals. I bet she couldn't care for these horses on the same budget without having to make some hard decisions.