Member since Feb 18, 2011


  • Posted by:
    gkane on 02/18/2011 at 10:48 AM
    Re: “Copper Capers
    I just finished reading your story on Rosemont. It is hard to fathom why your publication would be content to publish one side of the debate only. Your piece is filled with speculation and very few facts.

    One does not have to be an economist to understand that many families would be helped out of the economic slide if the mine is opened. The mine would make jobs available to the unemployed miners of our area. Copper is needed for a great many of the products we use. It is in DEMAND world wide. It is to Arizona's benefit to meet that demand by releasing some of abundant copper we are lucky enogh to have under our ground. The best way to take advantage of this resource is to mine for it.

    Copper mining processes have improved, so that in 2011 this area will not see silt-filled sights along I-19 if Rosemont gets the needed permits. Progress and prosperity come at a price. The people who complain ask us to quiet their unreasonable fears about lost scenery at the cost of tax money that could otherwise flow into state coffers, people who could move off welfare rolls and self-respect that restored to skilled miners and their families.

    Gloria Kane