Member since May 14, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Freedom for "Zonies" on 05/14/2010 at 5:35 AM
    Most of the individuals commenting on this site are NOT Arizonans'. Come here and walk in our shoes.......we pay our state taxes that fund these free programs for illegals. I am not against the Hispanic population nor do I condemn their freedoms but I do condemn our state funding for all of these programs. Yes, for the most part, the Hispanic's are very hard working individuals and I commend them for their efforts and self integrity. But the law is the law! Any illegal immigrant needs to follow the proper methodology in gaining citizenship in the U.S.

    If you go outside of the U.S. you must show proper documentation in most every other country and you can be asked to show the gov't authorities that question your status, (Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Venezuela etc.) So before you people start criticizing our
    state law, READ the bill or stay out of our state!!!!