Member since Jul 13, 2009


  • Posted by:
    erw on 05/26/2011 at 11:28 AM
    To critic The Old Guy of critic James: While this may........Nah, I wont go into the deep soul searching of what you motives may or may not be. Lighten up, top priorty for a film critic is to be entertaining, James DiGiovanna is pretty good at that. Besides, there is one in every crowd, you don't have to read his reviews.

    There is nothing wrong with being caustic, particularly when it is an opinion. It is can be difficult to convey a review of some of the suckage that is disgorged by Hollywood this summer without being a little ugly. You wan't to do more research on 'X-Men: First Class' go to IMDB.COM.

    This is a comment section, you want to get published, write to the editor.
  • Posted by:
    erw on 10/10/2009 at 7:38 PM
    The Tucson Weekly is the only local press that chooses to cover this situation.

    A. Saldivar, if you owned property near the border, you might get a grasp of what it is to live in fear, everyday. That was the point of this story. This is our country, and Amercans should be safe here. Your portrail of the ILLEGAL entrants breaking into homes as "families" is also wrong (read the story!). If Mexico is so corrupt and hurts its own people, the people need to bring change to their own country. The pandering of this country to ILLEGALS only hurts and weakens Mexico, its people, and the USA. Some are "families" some are "workers", the rest are carting drugs and people into the US for money. I pay taxes. Why should I pay for the medical and education of people that are not US citizens?

    A well written article. Thanks for reporting on the border issue, and please continue.
  • Posted by:
    erw on 07/13/2009 at 12:58 PM
    CAD or CADD is becoming old technology, BIM (Building Information Modeling) is the latest growing method of assembling drawings.

    How about the total lack of skill or artistry needed to operate a computer? Or even understand what is being drawn?

    No reason to let it bend you out of shape brother, just go along an is outside of your control. Just like buggy whip sales.