Member since Oct 14, 2011


  • Posted by:
    Dale Ziemianski on 10/14/2011 at 5:27 PM
    You know what's funny - the mainstream media all across the country all seems to parrot the same soundbites about TZM, that it's a cult based on conspiracy theories and that it is also the Venus Project. Maybe if you tried doing a little research about a group before spouting rhetoric filtered down from your corporate controlled puppet strings you wouldn't sound like a robot. TZM is a group that began as advocates of the Venus Project. They are not The Venus Project. The Venus Project is The Venus Project. The Zeitgeist Movement is not a cult. It has no leaders and isn't based on a belief system. It is based on pure science. The group's decisions are all based on input from its environment and from scientific study of how the world works. Cults are blind followers. Cult members don't discuss the best way to accomplish things (like we do in TZM). They just do what they're told. As far as conspiracy theories? Sure a few conspiracy theorists advocate TZM. TZM started because Peter Joseph created a movie that included some conspiracy theories and some facts. There was no intent to start a movement. It was just a movie - that's all. An expression of how the world was corrupt. But after Peter met Jacque Fresco and saw an actual SOLUTION to the problem, and reached the understanding that the system itself was flawed, TZM emerged - from the understanding that a resource based economy is superior than a monetary based economy in today's society, that technology has evolved beyond the need for this old, washed up and failing system.

    So far none of you who so fearfully attack this group has come up with a single intelligent argument against it's merit. There never seems to be a good argument against the actual goals of TZM. It always seems to end in you calling us names, cult members, or attacking the character of a few of its members. Sort of like folks in the mainstream media have been doing to OWS members, which is one of the many reasons why Zeitgeisters stand WITH OWS - we can relate. We understand the corruption in the system that the mainstream media is paid to support, and we understand what OWS is fighting for.

    Whether OWS likes TZM's solution to this problem or not doesn't really matter. What matters is, there needs to be a change in the way corporations control our government, and corporation's control over the mainstream media can no longer maintain the status quo.

    We are awake :-)