Member since Apr 22, 2009


  • Posted by:
    daiseymae on 06/04/2009 at 12:57 PM
    Re: “Tax Haven
    HARDSHIP TAXES should be for the benefit of PEOPLE NOT TUCSON GREYHOUND PARK'S RICH FLORIDA KINGPINS! Not for a dying industry that cages greyhounds, disregards the laws--has TGP enforced the better treatment of greyhounds that the South Tucson electorate mandated?--Don't be ridiculous! Of course NOT! It would cost too much money.

    Ohhhh wait a minute...aren't the voters/citizens paying for this track and its owners to make their millions tax free? What is wrong with this picture? The dogs lose; the people lose; BUT TGP--THEY WIN at the people and dogs' expense! STOP THE HARDSHIP TAX CREDIT FOR THESE CHARACTERS!
  • Posted by:
    daiseymae on 04/30/2009 at 1:21 PM
    Tim Vanderpool and the Tucson Weekly: You are what the First Amendment is all about! Thank you for continuing to inform us all about this subversion of the recently passed Proposition 401. There is something inherently wrong with this situation. Tim, Tucson Weekly: please make this a cause celebre to force TGP and the City of South Tucson to follow the law! Thank you once again.
  • Posted by:
    daiseymae on 04/30/2009 at 9:57 AM
    Tom Taylor is an embarassment to his breed. Ditto for the owners of TGP, who seem to prefer to remain in Florida rather than come to South Tucson to be sure their track complies with the provisions of the law. I think they all need to be served a nice plate of frozen 4 D meat! Along with the greyhounds. Then they can all go back to their nice beds of ripped, pea-soaked carpet and chew on their delightful wire cages, if they aren't wearing their muzzles. I've seen all this at TGP personally. Tom, why not invite me back to the kennels and show me all this no longer happens. I'm anxiously awaiting your response.
  • Posted by:
    daiseymae on 04/23/2009 at 1:05 PM
    Re: “Kennel No. 1
    THANK YOU TIM VANDERPOOL FOR YOUR EXCELLENT INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING! This type of story is exactly why we have freedom of speech and a free press. Without people such as you this story would never get out. TGP has fences to keep people out. We, the people, have no other way to know what is going on there without you! TGP needs to end. PERIOD! Keep up the good work, and don't let this story die--for the sake of the greyhounds living in these horrific conditions.
  • Posted by:
    daiseymae on 04/22/2009 at 10:03 PM
    Re: “Kennel No. 1
    Tom Taylor says you could eat off the floor of most of the Tucson Greyhound Park kennels. I say make him eat all his meals there as long as the "park"--now that's an interesting term for a cesspool--stays afloat. Oh, its under water? CLOSE IT! Why should any greyhound be subjected to this sort of thing? Its abominable. And by the way, I've been back in the kennels several years ago. They smelled like a cesspool then too! Time for a change!!!!!!!!!!!!