Member since Nov 14, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Cynthia J. Coan on 11/14/2015 at 7:58 AM
    The folks who claim undocumented immigrants are a drain on the system and don't pay taxes are apparently unaware that many such immigrants do, in fact hold jobs (albeit mostly low wage/bluecollar) and pay taxes. In Rosa's case, prior to taking refuge in a local church she typically rose at 4:30 a.m., helped get her husband ready for work (he had and likely still has a job as landscaper) and their two sons ready for school, and then had to leave for her own job cleaning houses. All that she had to do as well as taking care of her own house. Even low wage earners, including landscapers and housekeepers, have to pay taxes like everyone else. Of course, if immigrants have the effrontery to hold jobs rather than going on welfare, those same immigrants are accused of taking away jobs from Americans. To work or not work? The immigrants are damned if they do and damned if they don't.