Member since Jun 30, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Crystal Blue on 05/19/2011 at 4:05 PM
    There is absolutely no reason, no justification whatsoever for anyone to look, send or produce any of the vile filth that one may deem acceptable for a story. The only folks that need to be privy to any of that are the law enforcement officials for purpose of arrest and lawyers and jurors who will deal with defense (as if there ever is one) and prosecution of these sick cases. I think far too often, the artist becomes the art.....and how can one even think that the "'I'm pretty sure if _I_ looked at kiddie-porn, then _I_ would seek out children,' but that can't be generalized to everyone, at least without real evidence" wouldn't be true? It is one in the same, whether you are in physical possession of the child or just the images of the child. Somewhere, someone had to produce those pictures, so that child has already been harmed, exploited, ruined for life. "just looking at" is absolutely the same in my mind as having the child in the room. What is wrong with anyone that tries to justify any of that?
  • Posted by:
    Crystal Blue on 05/07/2011 at 10:28 AM
    Re: “Guest Commentary
    It's an awesome commentary Ari, maybe the love will spread. I work downtown and come downtown various times to enjoy events and spend time in the restaurants, children's museum, La Placita movies, 4th avenue...the list goes on and on....If you haven't been downtown lately, I highly suggest you do. Contrary to legend, there is parking downtown, it isn't that big of nightmare to navigate the streets. And, I didn't get paid to say any of this, it's just true. I wish nothing but the best for anyone investing in their city.
  • Posted by:
    Crystal Blue on 04/04/2011 at 2:38 PM
    Actually, the deadline has been extended to April 25th. Call 880-3010, or visit for details, forms, rules and more information.
  • Posted by:
    Crystal Blue on 11/11/2010 at 1:31 PM
    Re: “Deb's Coney Café
    Deb's is a great place to grab a bite to eat downtown in La Placita. Friendly, fast service, wide-range of food choices, breakfast, smoothies. A lot of us from the office swing to Deb's regularly for a daily special. The grilled ham and cheese is super yummy and the hot crispy fries mmmmm.....Eat at Deb's!!!
  • Posted by:
    Crystal Blue on 07/15/2010 at 11:22 AM
    Re: “Completely Casual
    This is a regular place for us to eat and we are never disappointed! But shhhh...don't tell anyone how great it is! We don't want to jinx it!
  • Posted by:
    Crystal Blue on 06/30/2010 at 1:25 PM
    My goodness....two out of the three comments sound so dire and threatening. The gal who wrote this is 18! She had obviously not been experienced in vegan lifestyle and was simply sharing her viewpoint. Can you say over critical?? Give people a break, not everyone can be as astute as you both seem to think you are...