Member since Aug 17, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Burton Johnson on 02/04/2013 at 10:36 PM
    Stephanie, I don't think the word "expedite" means what you think it means.…

    "Defer" maybe?
  • Posted by:
    Burton Johnson on 08/18/2012 at 3:00 AM
    Hello again. I'd just like to say that I'm not a troll. At all. I'm a native Tucsonan, and I fully support the Pride of Arizona, and I wasn't putting them down at all. I'm also just a huge Radiohead fan, and I thought that the article was omitting a major point.

    One of the cool things about this song is that it is in 10/4, which is a very unusual time signature. That's why this U of A video starts with everybody counting to ten. Very fun, if you're a time signature nerd. Like me.

    That the USC marching band got the opportunity to perform at the Grammys had nothing, I'm sure, to do with merit. Radiohead chose them because they are in L.A., low carbon footprint and all that. I just wanted to provide readers with a link to a badass performance of this song. That performance occurred in 2010, meaning that the 2006 band that Janoe made reference to contained none of the same kids. And it's a shame if they behaved that way.

    Good luck PoA. It's really pitchy, though.
  • Posted by:
    Burton Johnson on 08/17/2012 at 2:33 AM
    It's probably worth mentioning that The USC marching band did this song. At the Grammys. With Radiohead.…