Member since Apr 9, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Boricua on 04/09/2010 at 2:50 AM
    JoelFriday, the battle between these two will be nasty and maybe they will try to out do each other, so heatedly that our Democratic challenger will be a shoe in for the job. The Republican legislature needs to be tarred, feathered and run out of town at high noon. The governor can follow right behind the rest of them because she's no better than they are. Especially with the "wonderfull bubget" she just got done signing into law. The attorney general had the common sense to recommend that we don't attempt to join the legal battle against the Obama health care bill, that is being waged by a bunch of has been governors. Brewer went right over his head by signing an Executive Order, to be able to join the fight, at a time when she and the legislature are slashing local/state programs and financial support. Way to go! Now with that said I can go back to sleep.