Member since May 11, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Bob Bookman on 05/11/2010 at 7:21 AM
    This is a copy of a letter I sent to the City Council:
    My fellow Tucsonians,

    I am writing you once more about the upcoming vote for the pawn/secondhand tax. I know that today in study session the Chief of Police will give you his recommendation that you enact this ordinance. As clearly as possible I want to say this is bad law biased on flawed logic. The justification for this new tax, on a certain segment of our community, is that we cause more work for our public servants and therefore should pay some of those costs. If this rational were carried to its logical conclusion then any of us that cause "extra work" would have to pay for that burden. Should neighborhoods that have more crime and require more visits from our police pay higher taxes? How about areas of town with old houses paying more because the fire department has more calls to that area? This not the way things are done in our society. Or perhaps those who already pay more taxes do deserve a faster response time? This is not the way it is supposed to work We all expect and deserve an equal amount of service regardless of our contribution to the governments coffers. I am asking you to really consider the message you are sending with this law if it passes. Tying any governmental service to how much you pay is bad law and bad precedence.

    Please consider a minor flat increase in the business license tax across the board to help our police department provide the services that all business need regardless of our particular chosen professions.

    Thank you,
    Bob Oldfather