Monday, December 3, 2012

The Weird Crap in My Inbox: "Just Say No to Latent Homosexual Crusades"

Posted By on Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 5:53 PM

Yes, "Just Say No to Latent Homosexual Crusades" is the actual title of the ebook that was waiting for me in my inbox this morning.

Written by David Huttner, the official written-by text reads "by David Huttner, pp George" — apparently, the author has written this book on behalf of a fellow (one can assume) by the name of George. Which is where things get interesting.

An English teacher in China and author of a number of ebooks on the social sciences, Huttner confesses that, despite "representing [himself] as the world's greatest social scientist," he's nothing more than a fraud. Apparently, the information he's written on was not researched and discovered by him, but given to this George.

George, according to the first chapter of the ebook, is the name of a voice (apparently that of an extra-terrestrial) that appeared in Huttner's head one fall evening as a child, and has been with him ever since, helping him in basketball, on the multistate bar exam ("so that the secret police and the New York State bar examiners they controlled could not fail me by giving me zeroes on the essay part," Huttner writes,) and in life in general, as Huttner explains that he learned to "go where and write as [George's] spirit moved me."

So, to recap: In the first chapter of his treatise on the nature of government, human sexuality and political parties, he basically says that he's heard a voice in his head since he was a child that has told him to not tell anyone because they'd think him crazy.

It appears that George was on the money there.

The ebook continues on from there, with chpters on the lessons George taught Huttner, before going into suppositions that latent fraternal homosexuality is why government gets nothing done in this country, that the Western world will fall if they do not do more to compete with China (which makes sense) by ending all aggression (sure, I guess) and launching "equal opportunity and population control programs" (what?) over the next thirty years.

There's more, but I gave up after a while. Call me unenlightened or closed minded, but this book just seems kinda out there. Maybe it's something about the voice that hangs out in the author's head that throws me off. Can't say for sure though.

If you're interested in picking up the work of David Huttner (and George) you can find it here. Good luck.

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